to speed up queries, such an index can incur inference and linking attacks as is pointed out in [11]. In comparison, our solution in Section 5 speeds up queries using metadata without introducing any additional information leakage. Agrawal et al. [4] propose a solution for range queries on numerical data that allows convenient indexing.

1 Privacy-Preserving Secret Shared Computations using provide privacy-preserving algorithms for queries, as: count ( x3.1), selection ( 3.2), project (x3.3.2), join (x3.3), and range (x3.4). The queries are executed in an oblivious manner, so that the adversary cannot distinguish any two queries and data satisfying (based on access-patterns) to the queries… Boise State University Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) SecDM: Privacy-preserving Data Outsourcing Framework with Differential Privacy Gaby G. Dagher · Benjamin C. M

CiteSeerX — A Privacy-Preserving Index for Range Queries

Security, privacy, and authorization bibliography Contents[show] 2006 Composition and Disclosure of Unlinkable Distributed Databases. Bradley Malin, Latanya Sweeney. ICDE 2006. (poster, data privacy and security) Mondrian Multidimensional K-Anonymity. Kristen LeFevre, David J. DeWitt, Raghu Ramakrishnan. … Privacy-Preserving Queries on Encrypted Data Agrawal et al. [4] propose a solution for range queries on numerical data that allows convenient indexing. Their solution is built on an encoding that preserves the order of the numerical data in each column. Consequently, if a database intruder observes the encrypted data, he learns the order of all cells in every column, which is a significant

proposed a scheme to preserve the privacy and integrity of range queries in sensor networks [4]. Proposes SafeQ [6], a protocol that prevents attackers from gaining information from both sensor collected data and sink issued queries.

PAULET ET AL.: PRIVACY-PRESERVING AND CONTENT-PROTECTING LOCATION BASED QUERIES 1201 given the overhead of the anonymiser, a small value of k could be used to increase the efficiency. Conversely, a large value of k could be chosen to improve the privacy, if the users felt that their position data could be used mali-ciously. range queries, CryptDB order preserving encryption and multi-cloud architecture. Keyword — cloud computing, database, privacy preserving, range query. 1.INTRODUCTION In the present circumstances as it can be seen cloud has taken the control over the IT business with its innumerable advantages. It holds the possibility to change an extensive gregate queries, for example, fiWhat is the number of persons in a certain area?fl To support these monitoring services, we propose a spatial histogram that analyzes the gathered aggregate locations to estimate the distribution of the monitored persons in the system. The estimated distribution is used to answer aggregate queries. Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) SecDM: Privacy-preserving Data Outsourcing Framework with Differential Privacy Gaby G. Dagher · Benjamin C. M providing privacy guarantees. The problem of privacy-preserving reachability query was studied in the literatures [26,27]. But all the work did not deal with the problem of ranked neighbor query over encrypted graph data in the cloud. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a solution to perform privacy-preserving ranked neighbor Sep 02, 2018 · In this project, we have developed a new 6-DoF camera localization technique that conceals the content of the query image when localization is performed in a cloud-based service. In this way, we enhance the user's privacy. This is a follow up of our previous work on privacy preserving camera localization where we developed a technique to conceal the 3D point cloud map which is needed for